
Wednesday, June 22, 2005

On Hold

We're on day three of summer
vacation and it hasn't been too bad. Monday was hell; my kids were at each
other’s throats and loud. I was trying to set up their wireless network
connection and so much for everyone telling me it's easy. I'm an intelligent woman
and normally anything computer related comes rather easy but this has proved
quite the challenge. I rarely give up, but I am this time and I called my
sister's husband to the rescue. It'll be about a week before they can come
down, but by the time my kids get home from their Grandparents they'll have
their Internet connection and e-mail setup. The kids homework computer area is
still not finished, though all I have to do is hang the kid’s art and get the
curtains up.

I've spent the last few days
feeding two of my three dogs a bland diet. I'm not sure why but they had upset
stomachs and diarrhea. I'm guessing it stems from an inconsistency in their
food. I feed my dogs a high grade food and sometimes no matter how healthy it
is the manufacturer is not consistent from bag to bag and that seems to be the
case here, so I'm switching them back to a food I know they did well on, but is
not the easy to get. We have to drive 20 miles to get it, but their my dogs and
worth every mile! I'm dog obsessed.

My dream to own and operate a
dog training and daycare facility is on hold, not for lack of enthusiasm or
interest on my part, but lack of monetary funds. Funds are available through
several organizations, but land and facilities to house my business are out of
my reach. How is anyone supposed to purchase an acre and a half when it costs
$600k? Sure I could go further out in my county, but then how is that
convenient for potential daycare clients dropping their dogs off and then
heading to DC for their jobs? It's not and a huge part of my business would be
a safe, comfortable, caring, convenient place for dogs to spend their days.
Many of the larger spaces that could house a facility like this are not keen on
a training/daycare facility for dogs. Part of me understands, but the business
side says, 'I’ll have insurance and the leasing company will have a steady
paying client’, which means less square footage they have to lease. So for now,
I'm on hold but that's usually when lighting strikes for me. I'll check on listings
or research something and there it'll appear the solution I need.

In the interim, I'll continue
to market my photography and the note card line I have created, two downtown
shops are interested carrying my cards on a trail basis, inventory is on it's way
and I'm snapping away for those perfect card shots. Now, I need to clean so I
can move forward with my dreams.

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