
Sunday, November 2, 2008

Full Circle, Well Sort of

My work life has come to a sort of full circle. In 2003 hurricane Isabel blew through my neighborhood and my basement office was flooded. I moved temporarily to the dining room which is now the dogs room same initials different first word. After I moved from the dining room I moved to what I thought would be my permanent office. Well like the word “never” you shouldn’t use the word permanent because the hubster and I spent the weekend dismantling most of my office to make way for a TV room for the kids. Last spring our basement flooded again and the kids TV space was gone too! We have gutted the basement and have no plans to finish it off again, at least not until we decide to downsize into a smaller home.

Actually if the market wasn’t down in my area I’d downsize now. I’ve discovered that more space (3000 sqft) breeds more clutter. My family of four used to live in a 1200 sqft home and it wasn’t hard to live small. It actually made us think twice about what we purchased. I never (there’s that word) thought I’d miss my first small home, but I do.

Anyway back to the full circle of sorts since we made my office into the TV room for the kids that left me with the problem of no office. It really wasn’t that big of a dilemma because I bought a laptop back in 2005 and once I had my freedom from my desk I rarely used my office. I sat in the family room to write and work (better sound system). I took the largest part of my L-shaped desk and moved it to my family room and moved my comfy reading chair up to my bedroom. (Please don’t ask the hubster how that went; he’ll probably use words that aren’t good for young eyes/ears.) Now the kids have a sofa, TV and the family PC in one room and I have a cozy corner in the family room.

Actually, I’m a happy woman and writer now because I get to work in my absolute favorite room in the house. I now have all the things around me that make me happy. The kitchen close so there’s plenty of coffee, lots of light, my favorite art work and my dogs. I didn’t say family because they aren’t home when I work they’re at school and work. I don’t write nor do any other work when the kids and hubster are around. I’d never get any writing let alone house work accomplished. Now I’m off to feed the dogs and get 2K written on my NaNo novel.

Until next time good writing and redecorating!

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