
Monday, June 13, 2005

Hazy, Hot & Humid, Goodbye Dining Room

Today my reality is
hazy, hot and humid outside and inside my mind is hazy and my body hot with a
low grade fever. I really despise summer colds! My cold hasn't stopped me
though; I am in the process of making one of the kids’ dreams come true, their
own Internet connection. In order to do this I will be getting a wireless home
network. I've already started the process. I am leaving Adelphia's ISP behind
because I've decided to go back to DSL now that it's available in my area. I'm
also leaving their cable service behind too and going back to DirecTV. Actually
my DirecTV is already installed and working! I am still getting all the
channels plus a few extra for half the price I was paying for cable. When I add
my DSL to the satellite bill I am paying $40 less than I was with Adelphia and
I have a DVR with Tivo subscription included in that savings. Anyway I digress.

Not only will the
kids have their own Internet connection, they are getting an entire room
redesign to go along with it! Since we never use our dining room, I am turning
it into their homework center with two desks, a cool chair and side table and
their computer. As of this post their desks, chair, two stools, rug and side
table are in the old dining area. I still have curtains and other accessories
to hang and I am waiting for my DSL activation and once I have my connection
set, I'll move their computer to their new homework area and setup and update
all their software.

On another subject,
I finished the novel The Bitch Posse by Martha O'Conner a little bit ago and
have to say that it is one of the best novels I have ever read! It's edgy,
witty and different than any other mainstream title you will pick up this
summer. If you're a hearts and flowers reader than this might not be the book
for you with it's strong language and sexual content, but if you're willing to
take a chance, you won't regret it because O'Conner delivers a stunningly
strong debut novel that now has a place on my bookshelf next to my other
all-time favorite books!

Next on my reading
list is Gods In Alabama, by Joshilyn Jackson.


  1. The Bitch Posse is on my list for summer reading......I loved Gods in Alabama....

  2. Oh! Put in a comfy chair and a book case! That would be my perfect homework centre! Of course, it's not mine, is it? You'll love Josh's book. I haven't read Martha's yet. I'll have to pick it up soon.
