
Thursday, June 9, 2005

Puddle Slapping


What do you get when you combine two kids, two puppies and a
wading pool? Tons of fun and lots of mud! Last weekend we pulled out the small
wading pool mainly for our black goldendoodle puppy, but you know if you have
kids they need to get in too. The thing is the dogs turn the water brown
instantly. It's not that my dogs are dirty and smelly, they get baths and they
are brushed out at least four times a week, but they still carry dust and dirt
in their coats. You'd think the cloudy water would put off the kids, but the
opposite is true, they're ecstatic because the puppies are splashing them.

Wyatt our
nine-month puppy is a "Puddle Slapper", he can't walk past water
without at the very least poking his paw in just to make sure it's water. The
wading pool is almost heaven for Wyatt, it's the largest puddle he's ever seen
and he doesn't wade in, he takes a running start and leaps, lands and the
slapping starts. It's not a casual thing for him; it's an all out high-energy
workout. This display leaves my kids in fits and giggles and splashing right
back. Wyatt doesn't run from the kids splashing he slaps harder with joy, you
can see it on his face. If the kids stop, he stops and cocks his head with a
why did you stop expression.

So what's the point
of me writing about my kids and dog slapping and splashing water, well
basically it left me feeling happy, and reminded me to take time to delight in
the simple things like my kids and dogs.