
Sunday, May 14, 2006

The Simple Things

What does your backyard look like? I ask because as a multiple dog owner I have resigned myself to the fact that my backyard will always be a mud pit. I suppose it could look better if I invested the time and energy to grow a new lawn, but then I would need to restrict my dogs running and playing. What fun would that be for them and I'd actually have to do yard work. The time I spend outdoors in my yard with my dogs is a source of relaxation for me and an important part of their daily activity. If I didn't spend the almost 90 minutes a day outside exercising my dogs I'd be in trouble especially with two high-energy and one moderately active dogs. The playtime and training that I do during those cumulative 90 minutes helps tire them and helps strengthen my bond with them as well. Besides relieving them of their energy I get to watch three of the best dogs have fun. Watching them play, chase and bat a soccer ball around is relaxing and reminds me to take the time to enjoy the simple things. Dogs are great for showing those of us willing to pay attention how to enjoy the simple life.

Over the last year I have witnessed many changes in my dogs. I've witnessed Wyatt overcoming his fear of crowded places and large groups of people. He still has some problems entering places like Petsmart but we will get there because he has taught me patience. Josie reinforces the patience I've gained with Wyatt as I have just admitted out loud that my beautiful girl is a bully in the yard. More than patience, Josie has taught me persistence. The more I work with her the more attentive she's becomes. More and more I see her looking to me for direction so she's also taught me to be a better more confident leader. Dexter has been a complete joy to watch as his personality emerges. From the start Dexter has been a wonderful dog, friendly, loving and as he's gained more confidence stubborn and playful. Like Josie he's a hound and has a stubborn streak a mile wide. As my confidence grows his stubbornness wanes and his trust in me grows.

On this Mother's Day I thank my dogs for reminding me that the simple things are worth savoring. While I am both a dog and human mom it is my dogs that have reminded this year to take time and sniff the little wonders of life. So a muddy backyard and paw prints is a small price for the big joys they bring into my life. Happy Mother's Day to all Dog and Human Moms!

Until next time, Woof, Woof and a Roo.

1 comment:

  1. I have a 50lb bag of grass seed in the garage, and I just try to fill in the bare spots that the greys create running around they yard. It just takes a few minutes each week and gives me a glimmer of hope :)
