
Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Time Together Is Time Well Spent

Week two of summer break has started and so far it's been okay. The girls and I are reading HP's Half-Blood Prince. We're on chapter 10. We're averaging two chapters a day. My youngest is happy with the pace however my oldest would love for me to read more. Whether we read two or more chapters a day we'll get to the end in time, me I want to savor the time sitting with them laughing and discussing what's happening.

Today if the weather cooperates, I have plans to take the girls out on a photography trip around the neighborhood. I bought the kids and husband a pocket digital camera. It's wonderful little camera and performs well at 4 mega pixels and is a great way to introduce photography to my kids and share a passion of mine. While I would love for one of my kids to share my enthusiasm for photography I'm not going to hold my breath because they are at an age where everything "Mom" does is boring. My youngest does share an interest in writing and while I'd love to jump right in with her and share my complete excitement I shy away for fear of turning her off. Instead I share my excitement when she brings something to me and shares or if I see her writing I'll ask, "what are you working on?" Usually she jumps at the chance to tell me, but quickly adds, "You can’t read it until I finish". I giggle to myself because that's my line. My youngest also has my interest in books, when she's not writing she's reading whether it's e-mail, a novel, a web site or magazine. She soaks up the little details like me and then drops interesting tid-bits at the oddest times. It's scary sometimes how much like me she is.

My oldest on the other hand is a girls, girl, exactly the opposite of me. Funny thing is she didn't start out that way; she was quite the tomboy as a toddler and preschooler. When she started elementary school she blossomed into a beautiful, intelligent and confident girl. While she enjoys sports, she enjoys her friends and clothes more. Something hard for me to identify with, as I never much cared for clothes at her age, I was a jeans, tee shirt and tennis shoes girl even back then. I cared for my friends but I was much more of a loner, she thrives amongst her friends and it's wonderful to watch. Even though she's almost 13 she still enjoys spending time with Mom and Dad and that's the best.

Well, time to finish my scene for my critique group and get ready for today’s fieldtrip.

Until next time good writing!

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