
Thursday, August 17, 2006

What Are You Watching?

How much TV do you watch? I admit I definitely watch too much, but since getting Tivo most of what I watch is recorded. Especially shows that come on at 10 pm because I am usually off to sleep at that time and I can't miss Medium. Most of the shows I enjoy are no longer on the three big networks they're on Sci-Fi, USA and surprise on the Family Channel. I was a happy TV addict when 4400 started again and I'm disappointed that there's only one episode left before the end of this season. I sure hope it doesn't take USA another two years before the next episodes. Another show I found a few weeks ago is on the Sci-fi channel called Eureka! What a smart show. I love the strange happenings and the humor. I also love USA's Psyche. That show just cracks me up. Kyle XY is another show I started watching and it's nice to be able to watch something with my kids.

Last week I watched Stargate SG-1 for the first time in who knows how long and I think I'll hit the video store to see if I can catch up on all the episodes. Another channel I love is called Sleuth they play just about any crime show you can remember and some you might not, like John Doe. I wonder how I missed that show the first time around because it was written well and the actors were great. Some of the shows I'm looking forward to starting up again are House, Prison Break and Bones all on Fox. I love House not because it's a medical drama but because of the character House and the writing. He cracks me up and on some level I totally identify. I enjoy Bones for the writing and humor and David Boreanaz isn't hard on the eyes either. Prison Break is just cool.

As far as the big three networks go I've still have my Tivo set for season passes for Criminal Minds, love Mandy Patinkin, Ghost Whisper because I love the subject, and this one might make everyone laugh but I don't care, Dancing with the Stars. Sometimes you need one show that takes no brainpower to watch. I bet many have noticed my lack of mention of shows like Grey's Anatomy, Lost and Desperate Housewives. I never actually ever watched GA, though the episodes I've seen have been worth watching it's just not worth a weekly watch for me. I stopped watching DHW before the first season ended not because I didn't like it, I thought it was funny, smart and well-written it just didn't hold my attention, I guess I'm not desperate enough. And the big one is Lost. Well, I do watch it and I do like it. I have at least 10 episodes on my Tivo for the DH and I to watch. In all honesty I'm not sure if I'll watch the show because I got tired of the secrecy with no pay off at the end of the shows.

I haven't even had a chance to preview what's new for this fall and I'm sure I'll find one or two that will hold my attention. So what are your favorite shows?

Until next time Good Writing!


  1. I'm having a love-hate relationship with our DVR. I like it so I can finish up stuff and then go watch the shows I like (similar to yours in fact, I love Medium and we all watch Kyle XY together). But the girls are watching entirely too much tv this summer because "there's always something on" this way. I actually miss the tv of my childhood with fewer choices. We flipped channels, saw nothing on, and went out and did stuff. I'll be glad to get back to our "no tv during the week" rule of school days."

  2. I stumbled across your blog while I was in the process of doing some online research. I actually think Prison Break is pretty darn cool myself, though I have to admit I was not really into it until probably the fourth episode.

  3. I stumbled across your blog while I was in the process of doing some online research. I have to admit that I think Prison Break is pretty darn cool myself, though it took a couple of episodes for me to get really hooked.
