
Friday, August 24, 2007

Summer Break is Ending

Last night I finished book 13 in 11 weeks. Summer vacation is officially over tomorrow so I read two over my goal! Yippee!!! Happy Dance for me!!! Now my goal is to read 16-20 books between now and the end of the year. I would need to read a little more than one a week. This will be harder because I am back to working my split shift for the before and after school program. I’ll need to split my time between writing and reading. That shouldn’t be the hard part though. The hard part will be getting the house cleaning and laundry in. I read Never Change by Elizabeth Berg. It was a good book, not her best but one I would recommend if you’re looking for a quick read. I never quite felt a connection to Chip and Grace the main characters. I found I enjoyed the other characters that entered Grace’s life on a daily basis because of her job as a visiting nurse.

This weekend I will read Stardust. I’ll need to have it finished by Monday evening before the library closes because that’s when it’s due back. It’s also my book clubs pick for our next discussion.

Writing wise I have shelved my vamp novel for the moment because I’m not happy with the story. I love my main characters but the story needs a ton of plot development. I have another story brewing and the characters are forming easily. I plan to write this idea with the hope that it’ll jumpstart my thinking on how to fix my vamp story.

My kids go back to school Monday! I’m a happy mom except now when people ask what grades I actually find myself cringing when I say high school freshman and fifth grader. It makes me feel older than I am, perhaps that’s because my mom was older than I am now when I went into high school. Oh well, life moves on.

Until next time good writing and reading!