
Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Insomnia and a Little Vine

I had another in a long line of doctor’s appointments. This one was mostly follow up for questions I have and for the doctor to ask and seek further information. I’ll have some repeat blood work next Monday to check my thyroid and cholesterol. I will also have another x-ray to check on the questionable areas in my left lung. I’ve been having a terrible time with insomnia so the doctor prescribed the sleep aid Ambien. I took it yesterday and felt rather loopy when I woke, thankfully today that side effect was less pronounced. I must say it was nice to sleep through the entire night and not wake each time I turned. I did miss not remembering my dreams.

Last weekend the DH and I bought a few bottles of wine from unorthodox vineyard called Vampire. We’ll try it this weekend. I admit I didn’t buy it for its taste, I wanted the bottle. Yes I bought it because of my fascination with vampires. Hopefully it’s stand up to our limited tasting abilities. I’ll post photos of the bottles this weekend when I hopefully put the kitchen before photos up. But if you’re curious about the wine click on the link I’ve included.

I’m halfway through my wine book and surprised by how much I am enjoying it. I’m five chapters into Eldest and must say for it’s better than Eragon. You can definitely see Paolini’s maturation in writing. I only two chapters into Between the Lines the writing is fresh and light, whether it’ll be of use to me I’ll let you know when I finish it.

Well, time for me to get some long awaited critiques out. Until next time Good Writing and Reading!

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