
Saturday, November 24, 2007

Another NaNo Challenge Completed

It has been a while since I checked in with my blogs. I
haven’t been neglecting them on purpose, I’ve been NaNoing! I actually reached
my 50 K word count last Wednesday, it's my fifth year completing the challenge. All I need to do now is verify the count and
I’ll be able to claim my certificate and winner image to place on my blog for
the foreseeable future.

I’ve been battling terrible fatigue for the last year and I
finally know why. I have an under active thyroid. I’m still very tired but I’ve
only been on the thyroid medication for a month. I had a needle biopsy of my
thyroid last Tuesday and should have the results on Monday. I’ve had a terrible
time swallowing and sleeping is difficult because it feels like someone is
strangling me. I’ve also sounded like I have a frog living in my throat for the
last year and I would love for the frog to find a new home. I’m on the mend and
I’m feeling better than I have in a long while. I finally feel creative again
and it shows since I finished NaNo again.

I’ve finished two more books since my last blog entry too! I
read a non-fiction book on Yoga called KISS Guide to Yoga. It was an excellent
resource for Yoga beginners like me. I also read Mitch Albom’s The Five People
You Meet in Heaven. I thought it was a good book but not as wonderful as
Tuesdays with Morrie. So this month I have read four books and yes, I am still
reading Eldest though I could finish it before the end of the month but then
what would I read when I go to work a half hour early? I guess it wouldn’t be
too hard to find something considering what I have on my bookshelf.

Until next time Good reading and writing!


  1. It was good to see you at the M&G! Hope you start to feel better soon. Congratulations on completing the challenge 5 years in a row. I always just seem to lose my motivation along the way.

  2. It was good to see you too :) And thanks, NaNo is a fun way for me to try something new without worrying about mechanics.

  3. congratulations!
    now for the downfacing blogger!
    it's my only pose.

  4. Wow Linda! Five years in a row! That is amazing!
    BTW, I love the new look of the blog.
