
Thursday, March 27, 2008

Office Cleansing Started

I started clearing my desk this morning. I took all the
piles of crap and put them in my clothes hamper because I didn’t have a box
large enough to move it all to my family room. I spent close to three hours
today sorting through the junk mail and shredding bills. I filled one black
trash bag with trash and shredded paper. I ended up with one small stack of
papers to be filed. The sad part is my desk is still covered. Now it’s covered
with stuff I think I still need. Tomorrow I will go through what’s left again.

Yesterday I finished my dummy book on home based business.
Most of it I knew in theory. I’ll keep the book because it has good
information. That’s 18 books read 34 to go.

Until next time good reading, writing and decluttering!


  1. Thanks, Lauri :) It's still a disaster area in my office but it's slowly getting better.
