
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

What Are Your Numbers?

Do you know your numbers? I didn’t when I started on the
path to a better quality of life. I watched all the shows where Oprah, Dr. Oz
or some other person would shock the audience with the overweight or obese person’s
terrible numbers. By the time the show was over the shock wears off and you
move on, well I would though I had that nagging voice in the back of my mind
saying, ‘Hey, that’s you!’ my reply, “Yeah, yeah I’ll get to it. 


By the time 2008 rolled around, I had my diagnosis and my
overall health stunk. January 2008 marked three months on the thyroid
medication and what a wonder drug that was. It still is and I’ll take it the
rest of my life. With the new year, I literally saw my health and lack of
quality in my life clearly. The fog was lifting and my blasé attitude was
changing. First, I felt shame for getting fat, and then came the anger for
feeling the shame and for getting fat. After I wallowed in my self-pity for a
few days, I set out to create a plan that would work for me. I’d read all the
books and watched Dr. Oz, Oprah and Bob Greene and countless others preach the
rules of dieting or life style change. None of them ever explained how to mold a
plan or plans to fit me the individual. I made a list of the different changes
I learned and then I searched my soul (wow that sounds so trite!) but I did to
choose the changes I knew I could easily implement and continue.


I don’t remember my list exactly but I knew I couldn’t
follow a plan like South
or Atkins. They’re
too restrictive and I’m not keen on someone telling what I can and can’t eat. I
tried Bob Greene’s Best Life Diet Plan basically it was another person and plan
telling me how to handle food and which foods were best, but best for whom? I
took bits and pieces of different plans and fit them into my life and
personality. However, before I could even begin to put my plan to work for me I
needed to know my numbers. What numbers am I talking about well I talking weight,
BMI, blood pressure, cholesterol, and waist size.




  • Blood
    Pressure 115/65 I’ve always had good numbers even at my heaviest weight.
    Anything over 120/80 is considered to high by the American Heart

  • Weight
    175 I started at 225 in January 2008.

  • Waist
    35in down from 39 in

  • BMI
    30% still considered obese but it’s down from 42%

  • Cholesterol
    175 overall, HDL 65 LDL below 100. Before my thyroid medication, my
    cholesterol was 350 (anything over 200 is considered high, my HDL was
    below 45, and my LDL was above 100. HDL (the good higher is better) below
    60 for women makes us more susceptible to heart attack and stroke. High LDL
    (the bad the lower the number the better) numbers increase your risk of
    heart attack and stroke. Hypothyroid can cause high cholesterol, so if
    your numbers are high and you have several symptoms for an over or under
    active thyroid get your thyroid function measured.


Overall, my numbers aren’t too bad, but I still have work. I’d
like to lose 50 more pounds, lower my BMI to at least 25% and trim my waist
size by another three to four inches by the end of 2010. And while I’m working
on those numbers, I need to maintain the others.


So do YOU know your numbers?


Until next time, live well now.

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