
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

What Dreams May Come

I can’t count how many dreams I’ve had in my lifetime, can anyone. I must admit I am a fantastic dreamer; I can even plan how to work on making them come to fruition.  I fall short when it comes to actually making my dreams come true. I don’t mind hard work; I work hard at my job every day. I’ve spent many hours trying to figure out why I fail so often and I’ve realized that my so-called failed dreams are actually successes. How can they be a success, well because the failure showed me what I don’t want from life? It shows me that my passion for that particular dream is not enough. 

If a goal is really worth something to you, I believe a person will work as hard as it takes to accomplish the goal. In high school I wanted to be a rock star, I took singing lessons, did musical things but never went much beyond that. I even dreamed of it after I got married, but I wasn’t truly passionate about it and found that turning up the volume and signing while I cleaned was and still is enough for this closet rock star. 

Then there are those dreams that sneak up on you. The one you didn’t know you wanted until it was hitting you in the face. I never as a kid or adult dreamt of being a mother and even after I became a mom, I never thought of it as a dream comes true. Something changed when my youngest daughter was around two and I realized that I loved being a mom and that it was the first time in my life that I didn’t feel like it was work. It was natural and I wanted to get up each day and be with my girls. They taught me to be present in my life.

My girls to date and probably forever will be my best dream come true and if they’ve taught me nothing else in this life it’s to keep dreaming and striving to bring life to my dreams for however long or short that may be.

Until next time, Dream Big!

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