
Monday, June 12, 2006

Summer Vacation, Reality Sets In

Today is the first day of summer vacation for my kids, to say I am over-joyed is an overstatement. I am one of those few parents that believe the break is too long. I am one of the few that would love to see year-round schooling. I love my kids and I enjoy any time I spend with them but 10 to 12 weeks off for summer is too long for them and that's not me saying that, it's actually my kids saying that soon after the 4th of July. It doesn't matter how much or how little they have to do they get bored. This summer though will be shorter because the kids are starting school earlier. The last week of August is the new start time for our school system. Yes, I am happy even though that means they'll get out earlier. I'll probably not see year-round schooling while my kids are in school and while I'd love it, it's not all that important. What's important is making our time together memorable.

Writing wise I am behind, my critique group must think me a flake. I have a couple of their scenes to read and submit my comments and I still need to type what I've written longhand on my novel and then submit a scene for them to read. I am suffering from a huge bout of procrastination. While I'm eager to grab my notebook and work on my novel I am finding anything I can to do other than transcribing what I've written. Whether it's a nap or actually dusting it all looks better than sitting down and typing. And now with summer here and the kids home I need to find a schedule that will work for my writing and photography as well as training my dogs and volunteer work. Something will have to give and unfortunately it will most likely be my volunteer work. While I love the volunteer work my family, work and dogs are my priority and even though I will give less time over the summer, I'll be able to give more when the kids are in school.

Well, the procrastination stops here. I must sit my butt in my office chair and send out some queries and get to work transcribing my novel pages.

Until next time, good writing!

1 comment:

  1. I'm a self-employed single writing mom and the summer brings up such mixed emotions! I love getting up early if they sleep in, as it gives me some quiet working time. But after they get up, it gets tough. I work out of my home office and if I have a conference call, it gets really tough. Somehow we survive though. I remind myself of this daily. And it's worth it all.
