
Wednesday, July 5, 2006

A Wild Ride Through Thunder and Fireworks

Yesterday was a wild day for the pups. While they had their fun, they also stressed. They enjoyed their usual walks and backyard play and had the chance to play in the wading pool without the kids.  Josie488501
Josie was the first to test the waters, though she rarely does anything other than walk through the water. Luna was next to enter and at first she just soaked her paws, Luna489001but eventually made her way back to lay in the water and make like she was swimming. Wyatt489801

Wyatt worked up a sweat first by chasing his ball and after a few passes through the yard made his way to the pool with his ball to cool off. Dexter was the last to dip his paws and he was finished. He did pause long enough for this photo Dexter486601
and then trotted off to the deck to go back inside. I'll be adding photos to the albums later.

Luna is adjusting well, despite the constant thunderstorms. I've found that if I turn the surround sound on it muffles the sound of the storms and she relaxes and sleeps through right along side the other dogs. But yesterday included compound stressors of thunder and then the fireworks. The neighborhood started their celebrations early and fireworks lit up the sky before 9 pm and there were so many fireworks going off that all of my pups were unsettled. They did not faze Josie, Dexter barked a few times, Wyatt barked and watched the show from the window and settled and while Luna didn't bark, she panted and wedged herself into a corner. By 9:45 pm I thought we were in the home stretch, until the loud cracking and booming started two houses down from us. That sent Luna into a tizzy.

At first I thought she was just shaking until she tried to walk to me and couldn't. At first she was dragging her hind legs and then her front legs went out from under her. She was drooling and she had blank look in her eyes like she couldn't see or hear anything. I scooped up Wyatt and carried all sixty pounds of him to his crate and then I grabbed Josie and placed her in her crate as well. By the time I did that Luna was trying to follow me, shaking, twitching and drooling in the kitchen. I gated Dexter into the family room and went to get my husband. Of course by the time he and I came back Luna was in her crate almost looking as if nothing had happened. I'm almost positive it was a seizure, but with the thunderstorms and the fireworks piling on the stress it could have been a full-blown panic attack. Either way it was one of the scariest things I've ever witnessed. I made the decision not to take her to the emergency clinic because she had calmed and her panting was slowing. I will give my vet a call as soon as they open. I don't think there's anything they can do now, but I will let him know what happened. It has crossed my mind that what happened last night could be the reason she was given up and could be a factor in some of her behavior. Until I talk to my vet, I plan to do some research and then once I'm able to discuss things with my vet, I'll make a plan.

Until next time, Woof, Woof, Woof and a Roo!

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