
Friday, December 29, 2006

Novels, Birthday & New Year

I sit here with two completed first draft novels and I’m having trouble with revisions. Trouble isn’t really what I’m having if I’m honest, it’s procrastination. I’m on winter break just like my kids and I’ve been a tad sick with a cold and cough and it’s sapping my energy. The revisions for Beneath the Surface are actually flowing well. I’ve yet to find a revision process that works for me so this time I’ve broken the novel down into quarters. I’ve finished the first quarter and I’m ready to start the next which will bring me to the middle of the novel. This is a huge revision for me because the core of the story is much the same as the first draft there are some big changes. Things that showed up in the second half of the first draft are shifting to earlier in the novel. My story twisted when it should have turned and I went with it which will require changes in the story. No big deal except that I would rather curl up on my couch with my dogs and read. So I’ve decided that I am going to give myself an early birthday present and spend today and the weekend reading and recharging my creative self.

Sunday is my special day of the year, yup it’s my birthday! When I was a kid I hated having a birthday so close to Christmas, not because I received fewer gifts, I received plenty. But because my birthday was always combined with a party my parents had at the house to ring in the New Year of which I rarely got to attend because I had to go to bed. Now as an adult my birthday is a day for me to reflect and enjoy turning one year older. I’m not embarrassed or secretive about my age either, I proud to be turning 37. I know more than I did at 27 and I’m more me than I was when I turned 36.

I don’t make resolutions anymore instead I aspire to something. My 2007 aspirations aren't much different than my 2006. While I made progress toward my 2006 aspirations I still have a ways to go on my journey.

2007 Aspirations

While I didn't become a published novelist I am close to landing my NYC agent. She read two manuscripts and liked them both but felt they weren't the ones and she has asked to see my BTS novel final revisions by March 07. I'm plugging away with those revisions and should have the mss finished before February! I took a leap and started working part-time outside of the home and what a difference that has made in my life. The elementary school children I work with have inspired me to pick up my drawing pencils again and I met some wonderful new friends. But the biggest bonus is I get to take my youngest DD to work with me. Watch out world she's witty, sarcastic, intelligent and beautiful too. She is a handful and reminds me of me when I was nine and ten years old. I've also watched my 13 y/o DD blossom into an intelligent, focused, fun-loving and beautiful young woman. I aspire to follow their examples of living life to the fullest each day.

I still aspire to lose weight and keep up with laundry and paw prints. The weight issue is more important than laundry and cleaning so I will work harder on that aspiration. While I am more me than I was at the beginning of 2006 I still have paths to follow and figure out. My new job and my family are helping reach the aspiration of being the best wife and mother for them. They've shown me how to open my mind and listen before responding. I am reaching for those aspirations. They may not be too different from 2006 but like my novels, art, and family they are my works in progress and they show me daily that I am moving forward.

Until next time or year good writing. Happy New Year!


  1. Happy early birthday! It's great you have a loving, supportive, family. Congrats on reaching your NaNo goal. :)

  2. Happy 37th!!! I'm only a year behind you. Good luck with getting your novels published. Look forward to buying a copy and reading it.

  3. How did I not know (or did I just forget) that our birthdays are so close? My 35th is Saturday!
