
Friday, December 8, 2006

Santa Caught In a Hot Spot

I should have spent my morning working on revisions but I decided to finish a drawing I started at work for a hot chocolate social my coworker and I are having for the teachers. I love to draw but what I normally draw is more abstract than this Santa. I think it turned out pretty good for never really drawing something like this before.

Now that I’m finished with the invite for the teachers, I guess I need to get to my revisions but I’m having one of those days where I’d like to do anything but revise my manuscript so I’m going to spend the time I have left before my afternoon shift reading.

Until next time, good writing!


  1. Linda! this is so sweet, thanks so much for sending your Santa to me.:) I love your blog and I feel all warm and fuzzy that you thunk of me!
