
Saturday, February 3, 2007

One Long Week Turns Into Another

I have today and most of tomorrow all to myself! My DH and kids are currently participating in a speed skating meet. And what have I done with my time? Read e-mail, completed a scene critique, washed dishes, eaten breakfast and lunch and while I type this post I am watching A Knight’s Tale for the 100th time. Oh, I have also played with my dogs and walked them once and I froze my fingers off. The thermometer may say 40 but the wind makes it feel like 30.

What I should be doing is revision on my novel; instead I am watching Heath Ledger take his stand as a knight. What female writer would skip a chance to watch a cutie like Ledger? Not me! And tonight I plan to have a Johnny Depp marathon.

My past week was spent sleepless. The DH and I found out our Golden Retriever Luna broke her tarsus or heel. The vet sent her home with pain meds, but no splint with instructions to keep her still and go to a surgeon for a consult. We go for the consult on the 13th. It’s going to be a long week and a few days trying to keep Luna from running. More about Luna at Pawsitively Insane.

Once I finish this post I will finish watching the movie and then move onto my revision of my novel…unless there is another movie with a cutie to watch. Well what do know 10 Things I Hate About You (Heath Ledger again). Oh but I really need to get crack-a-lackin’ on rewrites.

Until next time good writing.

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