
Friday, June 8, 2007

The Future Reflection of Me

If I can help my dog Josie lose five pounds then I can help
myself! I’ve been told an extra three to five pounds is like 10 to 20 extra
pounds on a dog. The extra pounds on a dog just like on us humans is not good,
it affects their joints, heart and energy levels. If I’m able to control my dog’s
weight then I should be able to bring mine down as well. I just have to
remember that it took Josie almost a year to lose it and the extra 50 to 60 I
want to lose with take the same and possibly then some.

Josie before.

Josie after.

Josie lost her weight the same way I need to lose mine,
cutting calories and exercise. I cut Josie’s food intake to half of the
recommended feedings on the dog food label (with my vet’s approval) I walk her
at least 20 minutes a day and play with her at least another 20 minutes in my
back yard while I play with my other two dogs. Not only is Josie burning
calories I am too. Josie’s weight loss is also mine and to top it all our bond
is stronger than a few months ago. She actually thinks I am more fun than
following her nose.

 I’ve read that people who own dogs are more active and less
likely to be overweight. If the dog owner is overweight then it is likely that
the dog is also overweight. In short our dogs are a reflection of ourselves. If
that is the case then my dogs are the future reflection of me. They’re all fit
and trim and I’m heading that way.

 So grab your dogs leash and take a walk and get in shape
together. Until next time I hope you find what you’re searching for.

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