
Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Harry Potter Anyone?

Who has Harry Potter fever? My whole family does! Tonight my kids and
husband will attend the premier of Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix.
The show starts at 11:59 pm. I will be home asleep. There is no way I'll be
able to keep my eyes open that late at night.

Me I'm more excited
about the final book. I pre-ordered way back in February. Speaking of books
I have started reading Joshilyn Jackson's Between Georgia and I like it so
far. Tomorrow is my book club meeting and we'll be discussing The Tenth
Circle and deciding what book we'll read next. It would be cool if we chose
Venus Envy or Between Georgia, but I have a feeling it'll be a Mitch Albom
book. Nothing wrong with that I enjoyed Tuesdays with Morrie and I have the
other two recent ones on my shelf. Besides discussing the books I like
stretching my reading. I admit I probably wouldn't have read Picoult's book
on my own and while I enjoyed Tuesday's, Albom's books would continue to
languish on my shelf if they weren't suggested as book club reads because I
would pick up another vamp, sci-fi or other worldly type book.

I have
a few suggestions for our next choice and I'll take the books to tomorrow's
meeting. But now I need to figure out what to cook for dinner.

Until next
time Good Writing!


  1. Just got the confirmation email that the new Harry Potter will ship out on time. I will be on vacation the week after it comes out, so I may not get as much house cleaning as I had planned :) Our new boy greyhound will be coming up that weekend, so I'm planning on taking that week off to help him acclimate to home life.

  2. I pre-ordered back in Feb. The kids and I read start it as soon as it arrives. Hopefully I have finished Between Georgia and For One More Day.
    I can't wait to meet your new greyhound boy! I'm sure he'll be fantastic! And vacations aren't for cleaning, they're for lazin' and hanging with the dogs :)

  3. can.not.wait. for the HP book. :) And found a store in France that is supposed to have some English copies next Saturday. (crossing fingers)
