
Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Another Guilt Free...err I Mean Kid-Free Day

It’s Tuesday and I’m still kid-free! My fur kids are lounging the day away. We have a heat advisory today. Right now at noon our temperature feels like 103 and it’s inching its way up. Yesterday the DH and I spent our day doing mostly doggy errands. I didn’t get any writing or cleaning accomplished. Today I’ve done some revision work and I plan to read some and later after the heat of the day I’ll do a load of laundry, maybe two.

I’m enjoying my time without the kids. I have no guilt for not missing them. They are in the most capable hands of their grandma and I am certain they aren’t missing me or their dad. I wouldn’t if I was with my cousins and doing all the fun stuff gma has planned like a water park visit, camping and who knows what else! If I had a gma like my MIL perhaps I would have wanted to spend more time with her.

Maybe tonight I’ll see if the hubby wants to eat out. It all depends on his commute from work, if not I have chili ready to go. Since the dogs are snoozing I think I’ll go make my list and descriptions of the stuff I have to sell online. A few things will require photos and some of the stuff is from my DD she’s growing like a weed and wants to sell her almost new jeans that she’s out grown to help finance her way to culinary camp. Even though the DH and I paid for them I agreed to let her sell them but the money does have to go into her savings. Dad and I will worry about culinary camp; she just doesn’t know that yet.

Well, I’m off to make my list and separate my laundry.

Until next time good writing, cleaning and staying cool!

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